Gamer's Body (게이머 의 육체, lit. Gamer's Flesh) is one of the skills of Han Jihan granted to him by his Gamer ability. Its companion skill is Gamer's Mind.
- Korean: 현실 을 게임 처럼 쾌적 하게 살아가는 육체 를 가지게 된다 .
- Translation: It provides the body to live the reality as game.
This skill grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game.
Gamer's Body is a passive skill that is already obtained and maxed since the Gamer ability starting to develop.
- Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP).
- After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP and cures all status effects.